Leonard, a charismatic but troubled young man, moves back into his childhood home following a recent heartbreak. While recovering under the watchful eye of his parents, Leonard meets two women in quick succession: Michelle, a mysterious and beautiful neighbor who is exotic and out-of-place in Leonard's staid world, and Sandra, the lovely and caring daughter of a businessman who is buying out his family's dry-cleaning business. Leonard becomes deeply infatuated by Michelle, who seems poised to fall for him, but is having a self-destructive affair with a married man. At the same time, mounting pressure from his family pushes him towards committing to Sandra. Leonard is forced to make an impossible decision - between the impetuousness of desire and the comfort of love - or risk falling back into the darkness that nearly killed him.
This turned out to be a nice little movie. The acting was good. Started out kind of slow but then the story got a little more complex as it went along. Joaquin needs to stay in acting; he is good at this. He successfully zig zagged his character between being a thirty something guy and then reacting like a 17 year old who still lives with his parents. He made his character very sympathetic so that at the end you feel glad or maybe just relieved that he made the choice that he did.
Logline: A Brooklyn man is torn between a family friend his parents wish he would marry and the beautiful but volatile new neighbor with whom he falls in love.
Genres: Drama and Romance
Running Time: 1 hr. 48 min.
Release Date: February 13th, 2009 (limited)
MPAA Rating: R for language, some sexuality and brief drug use.
Distributors: Magnolia Pictures
Production Co.: 2929 Productions, Wild Bunch, Tempesta Films
U.S. Box Office: $3,091,268
Filming Locations: New York, USA
New York, USA
New Jersey, USA
New Jersey, USA
Produced in: United States
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