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Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection

Finally, I have been waiting on this for years. All 6 classic TOS Star Trek movies on Blu-ray in sweet HD. I thought fans would be thrilled!!...boy how I was surprised to hear all the DC whining. Paramount could have really dragged this out, by releasing all 6 spread out over time instead of all in one set. For anyone who got in at $75.99 or $79.99, great deal for Blu-rays at this time. Only $13.33 a movie!! Spreading this out with each movie being released separately would have nickel & dimmed us with greater prices per movie. Note: Theatrical releases of movies are where it's at. I give you Star Wars for example: Only the LD definitive collection version is original theater cuts. To never come out with them on DVD is very annoying. Yes, I understand folks would like both versions available, but this set has 12 hours of extras & a 7th disc of new material. Please give it a rest! Maybe whining takes center stage all too often b/c folks have to be angry to post sometimes. Also, funny how reviews are posted prior to anyone actually seeing the HD Blu-ray of Star Trek TOS. Rumor is the picture & sound are great. Let's all hope for that as fellow fans of Trek.

Simple if you need to have DC then wait for it. I don't understand why people are in such a tiff about 9 min of footage. This is not, I repeat NOT, LOTRs with hours of adds and changes. DC differences: The Trek I net 4 min add. Versions are so different as to make a list nearly impossible. In general about 4 minutes of footage was cut from the theatrical in the Director's cut. Then about 4 minutes were added to the movie of mostly character bits (Spock crying, Kirk ordering destruct etc.) Some new FX were added to the Dir. cut along with a lot of new sound FX. A longer opening music entre' acte was added and the DC has longer end credits as well. The credits were changed from white lettering to gold. The DC is actually 4 min longer than the theatrical, but seems shorter because the scenes that were cut were mostly non dialogue FX flyby shots and the scenes added in were character driven dialogue stuff. For Trek II their are 8 changes that amount to 3 min 30 sec.

1. Extension of Kirk/McCoy talking about glasses.

2. Intro of Preston as Scott's nephew in engineering alternate extended take.

3. Extension of Chekov and Carol talking about the order to take Genesis

4. Alternate extended take of carol preparing to hide Genesis from Chekov (Khan)

5. Extension of Spock/McCoy debating Genesis

6. Extension of Preston's death & Kirk/McCoy discussing Khan etc

7. Kirk telling Spock that David is his son in the 'Jeffries' tube.

8. Kirk & Spock telling Saavik about the 'human ego'.

For Trek VI there are 4 changes that amount to 3 min 26 seconds.

1. The Operation Retrieve sequence in the presidents office with Sarek Col West, the CinC & Ad Cartwright

2. Spock, Scott & Valeris in the torbedo storage bay discussing the new Klingon Chancellor.

3. Scott in the dining hall looking at blueprints (no dialogue) 4. The unmasking of the shooter, exposed as Col. West

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