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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

It's 1947 and the O'Connell's have retired. Rick (Brendan Fraser) is trying to take up fly fishing. And Evelyn (Maria Bello) has a case of writer's block trying to come up with a third book to follow her two best sellers based on their two adventures with mummies. Truthfully, the two are bored out of their minds. Which is why they are thrilled to be offered a chance to take a rare artifact to China. The trip also gives them a chance to visit Evelyn's brother Jonathan (John Hannah) who owns an Egyptian themed nightclub called "Imhotep." Unbeknownst to them, it's also the current location of their grown son Alex (Luke Ford.) Alex has just uncovered the ancient burial ground of Emperor Han (Jet Li) an ancient Chinese Emperor who, if awakened, will attempt to take over the world. Naturally, the next thing anyone knows, the emperor is awake. Can the O'Connell family figure out a way to stop their latest mummy? This movie doesn't have the atmosphere the first one did. There just isn't the sense of foreboding the permeates the entire thing. And the story is predictable, especially if you've seen the first two. But it is fun. There are some great action sequences and impressive fights. The special effects are top notch yet never feel like they get in the way of the story. And there are several laughs. The best were in the previews, but my favorite involved our first shot of Evelyn, played here by a different actress then the first two. My only real problem was a rather significant plot hole. At least I think there was one. The story was moving so fast that either they forgot something major or explained it to us but I missed it. No, this is not great cinema. But it really isn't trying to be. It's a fun way to kill a couple of hours, and if that is what you are looking for, you won't be disappointed.

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